env0 Blog

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env0: Now SOC 2 Type II Compliant

env0: Now SOC 2 Type II Compliant

env0 is dedicated to bringing you the best platform to manage your Infrastructure as Code environments. We are a SaaS platform, which means you’ll be providing us access to sensitive credentials and data. We know that is a big responsibility, and we take that very seriously. We are pleased to have completed the process and obtained our SOC 2 Type II report.
Introducing… Teams, now available in env0!

Introducing… Teams, now available in env0!

Hello, env0 fans! I wanted to take a quick few minutes to introduce you to our newest feature… Teams! This is the latest addition to the ongoing improvement of our Role-Based Access Control in the env0 platform.
Making Continuous Deployment of Terraform code easier with env0

Making Continuous Deployment of Terraform code easier with env0

Implementing a Continuous Deployment flow is a very common and important way of allowing developers to be as productive as possible. In this guide I will show you how to easily create a CD pipeline using env0
Introducing the env0 CLI

Introducing the env0 CLI

At env0 we know how important workflows are for developers, which is why we’re excited to announce the brand new env0 CLI! Just like our GUI at env0.com and our API, you can make use of the features and capabilities of env0 through the CLI to build your own perfect workflow.
Introducing Environment Scheduling

Introducing Environment Scheduling

Scheduling with env0 allows you to easily and consistently deploy, or destroy, your cloud environments on your pre-determined schedule, and with no manual intervention
Creating a Maintenance mode for your API Gateway with Terraform

Creating a Maintenance mode for your API Gateway with Terraform

In a modern application there’s also a public (or private) API that also needs to have a maintenance mode. Let’s see how we can do that using Terraform on API Gateway.
Introducing Cost Over Time

Introducing Cost Over Time

Giving your dev team the freedom to run cloud environments has never been easier, thanks to IaC and env0’s environments-as-a-service platform. Your developers will love the freedom of self-service cloud environments, your infrastructure team will love the governance, but how will your CFO react?
Building a "Maintenance Mode" with Terraform and Github Pages

Building a "Maintenance Mode" with Terraform and Github Pages

Even the most highly available applications from the most experienced providers sometimes need to be able to be taken offline for a short period of time. Learn how to do it using Terraform and Github pages.
How Infrastructure as Code is (forcing) a Revolution in Cost Management

How Infrastructure as Code is (forcing) a Revolution in Cost Management

With Infrastructure as Code (IaC) driving the third datacenter revolution it's creating a whole new need and approach to cost visibility and management.
From “Feature branches” to “Feature environments” with Terraform

From “Feature branches” to “Feature environments” with Terraform

When developing for the cloud, separate branches aren't enough - you need full separate environments for whatever you're working on.