Cost Management:

Avoid Overruns,
Optimize Costs

Monitor, analyze, and refine all aspects of IaC budget management. Improve efficiency and profitability by aligning resources to teams and projects, and your business needs.

Monitor all IaC-related spend
Forecast the costs of changes
Set budget thresholds and alerts
Control spend with approval policies
Integrate with FinOps tools
Avoid cost creep from drifts and idle assets
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We looked at a lot of tools, but env0 really stood out. It provided us with a mature enterprise-ready solution, robust integration options, and an easy way to keep our costs under control.

Troy E. Lillehoff
VP of Cloud Strategy

Remove innovation roadblocks

Forecast and monitor spend

Estimate the cost impact of each IaC change and leverage OPA policies to prevent costly deploys, before they occure. Utilize resource tagging to monitor the actual costs of each deployment and optimize your infrastructure spending.

Control IaC costs

Pre-define budget thresholds, down to individual project level. Proactively manage spending and avoid budget overruns with preemptive alerts.

Integrate with FinOps tools

Use Custom Flows to integrate FinOps tools (e.g., CloudHealth or CloudZero) into your IaC deployment workflow, aligning it with your overall cloud cost strategy. Implement advanced methodologies, such as a chargeback model, to allocate expenses to departments or teams based on usage.

Automate environment lifecycles

Automatically detect configuration drifts and clean up unused resources to optimize budget utilization and prevent cost creeps.


Customer feedback matters most

Henry Tze

Cloud and IaC Security Engineer

With env0 we can streamline our 
deployments easily.
We can now maintain a large number of projects, and env0 ensures that the process is scalable, especially when we have to deal with multiple cloud accounts.

Troy Knapp

Senior DevOps Engineer

env0 cut our mean time to merge in half by helping us better manage our workflow and code conflicts.
Their customer service and willingness to roll out features based on our needs was unprecedented.

Eldad Stainbook

Director of Cloud Engineering

Creating a CloudFront or EKS distribution used to take me about three days, now it takes about ten minutes, because we know the model works. All you have to do is populate a few values and that’s it.

Gal Porat

Director of Devops, IT and Security

env0 allows us to enforce policies on specific environments without the need to constantly check and manually deactivate/activate them.

Radek Dors

Site Reliability Engineer

We chose env0 to manage all of our AWS Terraform-based deployments. Thanks to env0, we can now collaborate and manage our environments, leveraging GitOps and governance workflows.

Shaked Shauli

DevOps Lead, PayPal

Compared to Jenkins or scripts, env0 is built specifically for IaC workflows and our team actually likes using it.

Jason Walsh

Sr. Infrastructure Engineer

env0 allows us to focus on writing and maintaining our Terraform configurations.
Speculative plans for pull requests enable our team to quickly review and approve changes to our infrastructure which helps mitigate risk and provides transparency.

Amit Daniel

DevOps Team Lead

As we moved our cloud deployments to Terraform and needed an automation layer on top. We found env0 to be a great solution for automating our Terraform workflows and enhance our collaboration.

Imri Zvik

Director of Architecture

Using env0, we now can provide an infrastructure to our developers, allowing me to focus on what’s important. I no longer have to manage the management solution.


What's new with env0

Case study
Meet Us in Salt Lake for KubeCon 2024 (and OpenTofu Day)!
We’re thrilled to be part of this year’s KubeCon, the leading cloud-native event, happening from November 12th to 15th at Salt Lake City. Come see us at Booth P6
Read the full blog post
Read the full blog post
case study

Infura Switches to env0, Boosts Security and Efficiency, Cuts Costs

"With env0, we not only reduced our costs but also found a more secure, fast, and reliable way to manage Terraform deployment pipelines."
See the full case study
case study

CyberSec Company Reduces Lead Time for Changes by 99%

“By adopting env0, we've cut down infrastructure deployment times from weeks to just 30 minutes. env0 lets us work smoothly and efficiently; it's GitOps made for infrastructure.”
See the full case study
case study

Salt Security Empowers Developers and Cuts Cost

"env0 allows us to enforce policies on specific environments without the need to constantly check and manually deactivate/activate them."
See the full case study