Nov 30th, 2023: As part of its 1.6.0 beta release, OpenTofu can now use a public open-source registry that will properly resolve all public providers and modules.
OpenTofu is a story of momentum. From idea to initiative, to tens of thousands of GitHub stars, to a Linux Foundation project… the name of the game for the project is speed of execution.
Today I’m excited to announce its latest milestone: the launch of OpenTofu alpha version. I’m also happy to share that here at env0 we introduced a new OpenTofu integration feature, which you can use to test drive the alpha version, as we prepare for the beta release.
As a drop-in replacement, setting up OpenTofu with env0 will require no code changes and you can complete the entire migration in under one minute, as you’ll see in the video tutorial below.
Drop-in Migration
To switch to OpenTofu you just need to log into your env0 account and, in your template settings, select OpenTofu as your ‘Template’ type.
Note that this will be listed as ‘1.6.alpha’. This is simply because we wanted to keep things simple and align OpenTofu’s versions to their ‘counterpart’ versions of Terraform.

Save the template and redeploy the project, and that’s it–you’re done. Our system will take it from there, and redeploy using the OpenTofu binary.
During the redeployment, you’ll see new parameters appear indicating the switch from Terraform to OpenTofu: [.code]tofu init[.code], [.code]tofu plan[.code], [.code]tofu apply[.code], [.code]tofu validate[.code] etc.
Watch this short video to see how quickly the process can be done, from start to finish:
Steering Free and Open-Source IaC Software
As of this writing, the OpenTofu project has over 13K GitHub stars in addition to the 35K stars for the OpenTofu manifesto. These are just some indications of the community support for our work, which also manifests itself in numerous ideas, suggestions, messages of support and code contributions we receive on a daily basis.
As the interest in the OpenTou continues to grow, and as the beta release draws near, I wanted to take a moment and answer some of the questions about the project and our integration options:
Q: If I use env0 to switch to OpenTofu, do I need to change anything in my code?
No—OpenTofu is meant to be a drop-in replacement, with the alpha version (1.6.alpha) meant to coincide with Terraform 1.6.
Q: Will env0 continue to Support legacy open-source Terraform versions?
Yes—we will continue to provide full support for Terraform versions 1.5.x and below, which will remain forever open-source under the Mozilla Public License v2.0 (MPLv2) license.
Q: What registry are you using for the alpha release?
The alpha release is using a registry hosted by us, that will properly resolve all public providers and modules. It’s important to note that the registry isn’t stable yet and is meant to be used for testing purposes only.
Q: Does the new Terraform BSL license affect Terraform providers (AWS, Azure, GCP, etc.)?
No–the providers built and maintained by HashiCorp will remain on the MPLv2 license, as will the SDKs and frameworks that HashiCorp provides to plugin and provider authors. Other providers that are not maintained by HashiCorp will keep their current license and will also not be affected by the license change.
Q: Does the new Terraform BSL license affect Terraform modules?
Same as above, the modules will also remain on the MPLv2 license.
Q: Which companies support OpenTofu?
OpenTofu is a Linux Organization project, enjoying the broad support of over 140 companies. The steering committee for the project consists of representatives from Gruntwork, Harness, Spacelift, Scalr, and myself at behalf of env0.
We are also applying to be a CNCF project, so stay tuned for more news about that soon.
Q: How can I learn more and contribute?
You can start by visiting OpenTofu.org and OpeTofu repo, and also joining our (1K strong) Slack community. When going through the GitHub repo, check out Issues to get a sense of the conversations and feature suggestions.
Also take a look at Weekly Updates, where we discuss next steps as we work towards beta and building out the future roadmap.