Infrastructure as code is the right direction for your organization, see how env0 helps to automate and simplify the provisioning of cloud deployments for Terraform, Terragrunt and GitOps workflows.
As more and more organizations harness the elasticity of cloud infrastructure, the concept of infrastructure as code is becoming the universal method for orchestrating and deploying these modern infrastructures with Terraform as industry standard.
In this webinar, Ohad Maislish and Tim Davis will explain the specific workflow challenges DevOps encounter today, and will explore how you can automate the deployment of cloud resources on platforms like AWS, Azure and Google Cloud, without having to go into the provider's portal each time by leveraging Terraform and env0.
Key discussion points:
- Where should I run my Terraform? Locally? CI? Or Other?
- How do you manage cloud deployment approvals?
- What is the best way to approve PR’s with infrastructure changes?
- What notifications are relevant to track infrastructure changes?
- IaC Automation Demo